Hyper Réalisme
Christian Leborgne
né le 13/12/1952 à Tours, Indre-et-Loire (France)
né le 13/12/1952 à Tours, Indre-et-Loire (France)

Second de 5 enfants, Christian montre très vite des aptitudes naturelles pour
les travaux manuels; dessin, puis peinture, ou encore menuiserie, très jeune, il étonne par la qualité et la maturité des réalisations.
Exemples :
- 9 ans : une maison en allumettes,
avec meubles (tiroirs inclus), sanitaires, tapisseries, sols en parquets ou carrelages, charpente et couverture de tuiles, vitrages, éclairage, et jardin.
avec meubles (tiroirs inclus), sanitaires, tapisseries, sols en parquets ou carrelages, charpente et couverture de tuiles, vitrages, éclairage, et jardin.
- 12 ans : une vitrine en bois et verre, avec ornementations.
Photograveur, et chromiste reconnu, son perfectionnisme lui valait une réputation de qualité qui ne s'est jamais démentie. Ainsi, de nombreux artistes peintres faisaient appel à lui lorsqu'ils souhaitaient effectuer des catalogues, des affiches, ou des reproductions de leurs œuvres.
Son intérêt pour les oiseaux et les fleurs se traduit souvent dans ses œuvres, ...
De même, musicien pendant plus de 40 ans à l'harmonie de Tours, quelques tableaux s'orientent naturellement vers cet univers.
Christian Leborgne born on 13/12/1952 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire (France).
Second of 5 children, Christian shows very quickly natural aptitudes
for Manuel work; Drawing, then painting, or carpentry, very young,
it surprises by the quality and the maturity of the achievements. Examples:
- 9 years old: a house made of matches, with furniture (drawers included), sanitary, tapestries, floors in parquet or tiles, frame and
roof tiles, glazing, lighting, and garden.
- 12 years: a showcase in wood and glass, with ornamentation. Photograveur, and recognized chromist, his perfectionism earned him a reputation for quality that has never failed. Thus, many painters appealed to him when they wanted to make catalogs, posters,
or reproductions of their works. His interest in birds and flowers
is often reflected in his works, ...
Similarly, a musician for more than 40 years, some paintings
are naturally oriented towards this universe
for Manuel work; Drawing, then painting, or carpentry, very young,
it surprises by the quality and the maturity of the achievements. Examples:
- 9 years old: a house made of matches, with furniture (drawers included), sanitary, tapestries, floors in parquet or tiles, frame and
roof tiles, glazing, lighting, and garden.
- 12 years: a showcase in wood and glass, with ornamentation. Photograveur, and recognized chromist, his perfectionism earned him a reputation for quality that has never failed. Thus, many painters appealed to him when they wanted to make catalogs, posters,
or reproductions of their works. His interest in birds and flowers
is often reflected in his works, ...
Similarly, a musician for more than 40 years, some paintings
are naturally oriented towards this universe