Hyper Réalisme
Huiles sur toiles
Vous pouvez retrouver dans cette galerie toutes les réalisations à l'huile, sur support "classique", à savoir la toile.
Animaux, portraits, paysages, ou créations, réalisés sur toile sont regroupés sur cette galerie.
Si vous souhaitez acheter une toile existante ou à faire réaliser une peinture (pensez-y, un cadeau original pour un mariage ou un anniversaire, effet garanti!), n'hésitez pas à nous contacter
You can find in this gallery all achievements in oil on "classic" support, namely the canvas.
Animals, portraits, landscapes, or creations, realized on canvas are grouped on this gallery.
If you want to buy an existing painting or to make a painting (think, an original gift for a wedding or a birthday, guaranteed effect!), Do not hesitate to contact us.
You can find in this gallery all achievements in oil on "classic" support, namely the canvas. According to the table, the canvas used can be linen or cotton, various grains. , portraits, , or , realized on canvas are grouped on this gallery. If you want to buy an existing painting or to make a painting (think, an original gift for a wedding or a birthday, guaranteed effect!), Do not hesitate to .
You can find in this gallery all achievements in oil on "classic" support,
namely the canvas.
Animals, portraits,
or creations-original,
realized on canvas are grouped on this gallery.
If you want to buy an existing painting or to make a painting
(think, an original gift for a wedding or a birthday, guaranteed effect!),
do not hesitate to contact us.